Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My One Year Blog-Iversary!!!

     Can you all believe it's been exactly one year since I started this blog?! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. I justed wanted to say a big Thank You to all my readers, members, etc. I am so honored and truly humbled that anyone would take time out of their day to read my posts. Again, thank you. I began this blog as a way to share my testimony, my love for God, my passion for marriage, and everything else in between. I hope and pray that you have been challanged in your relationship with our sweet Savior, encouraged, and most of all, shown the beautiful love and heartbeat that God has for us all. May we all continue to praise the Lord who has done (and will continue to do) immeasurably more for us than we could have asked or imagined. To Him be the glory, forver and ever. Be blessed, friends.

In celebration of my blog-iversary, I wanted to post one of my favorite worship songs we've been singing at church. I love the awesome truth the song proclaims, as our God is a God to be praised. Sing it loud, believe it, and worship the One who is worthy.

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