Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Worship Song

     Wow. What a powerful worship song. After hearing this I am left nearly speechless and all I can do is humbly bow my head in reverence and thank the Lord that because of His son, Jesus Christ...I am redeemed. What a wonderful gift we've been given. I have made so many mistakes in my past, but because of Him, I no longer have to carry the weight and guilt of my sins. He has truly set me free, and I am no longer a slave to sin, but rather a forgiven child who is completely sold out to Him. Oh, how I love Him, and oh, how He loves us. I will ever praise Him for making me a new creation, and just as this song says, I don't have to be the old woman inside of me, because her day is LONG DEAD and GONE! I am redeemed....thank God, redeemed.


  1. So love this song! Thankful for His overwhelming grace. Blessings!

  2. Yes, what a beautiful song. Thanks:)

  3. One of my favorite verses. Also enjoyed the song. (Visiting from Faith Filled Friday blog hop.)
