Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Marriage Tip Tuesday

     Today I have decided to discuss serving your spouse and different ways you can do so. Acts of service is one of the five love languages that are discussed in Gary Chapman's book called, The Five Love Languages. (I will talk more about these next week.) If you have never read the book I highly encourage you to do so. I had to write a book report on it for my marriage and family class that I have mentioned before, and I am so glad I read this book. Anyways, there are several ways we can serve our spouse, and a little act of kindness goes a long way. Here are some ideas:

1.) Get up in the morning before your husband and prepare breakfast for him. There's nothing like a good meal to begin your day and I'm sure your husband will appreciate it. (And may also want to know where in the world his wife has gone! Haha!)

2.) Maintain a clean home. I know from personal experience how much men appreciate this. More times than not, when I clean house Jeff thanks me and says it makes him feel so good to walk into a clean home. It took me a while to get a pattern down, but what works for me is doing a quick clean sweep everyday and doing more of a deep clean every other day. (Sweeping, mopping, etc.)

3.) Leave sweet notes around the house or in your husbands vehicle to encourage him and thank him for all he does. It's amazing how the right word at the right time can change your day.

4.) Help him keep up with the bills. I know the spring/summer time is very hectic for Jeff and he depends on me to take care of writing out and sending the bills off. By doing this, it is one less thing for him to worry about and it takes a lot of pressure off of him.

5.) Lastly, simply ask him in what areas you can better serve him. You would be amazed at how many conflicts are the result of your husband feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. There is a lot of pressure on men these days and a loving attitude from his wife can really help him out. After all, we were created to be helpmates for our husbands.

 18 The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” -Genesis 2:18

I love this song as it reminds me just how much I need and depend on my husband each day. He is truly one of the best gifts God has ever given me.

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